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We specialize in all types of lawn care and landscaping services and are here to help!
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Pruning & Trimming – Pruning and trimming can be a daunting task, especially if the area is high up and needs to be done from a ladder. Making sure to only remove the necessary branches and foliage, and to research when the best time of year is to properly prune your tree or shrub. Good thing the pros here at Kan Cut Grass Cutting know what to do. Let us give your shrubs and hedges shape, and your trees direction, while removing dead and unwanted limbs.
Sometimes making the decision to cut down a strong, beautiful is tough. Other time, when the tree has become a sore spot because its dying and decaying, it can be a liberating thought. Don’t wait for the tree to start falling on its own, take control and call us to have it removed.
Time of year can play a big part depending on whats going on with the tree. In the winter months, while the tree is dormant, its much easier for us to take it down. There is no foliage and the branches are much lighter and easier to break. Another great reason is because with the frozen ground, there is less worry about damaging your lawn or garden. Of course, if the tree has become unstable or is posing a risk to you or your property, time of year shouldn’t take precedence over safety.